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Journey to the interior of the lived cities, is the second part of a project related to the book by Italo Calvino, " The Invisible cities". This is an ongoing project that to date has resulted in 3 periods of residence in different cities and a set of pieces about each one of them. In this second phase of the project, I place myself in the position of the character Marco Polo, the one who creates from his travels and everything he records from them. This project has a first part, called Journey to the interior of the imagined cities.

Istanbul - Turkey  

In the context of this project, in 2010 I did an artist residency in Istanbul. I focused my research on the experience of the city, on its energy with echoes from East and West and on discovering its history through the stories of the people I met. 

Story box, 2011   Short stories about Istanbul

The canceled birthday party - 10´48"
Wood, mirror and sound system
Sculpture - 98x20x20cm

Whirling Neighborhoods, 2011
Five machine-stitched drawings made with 
red tread on felt, five engines and digital programmer
Variable dimensions


Whirling Neighborhoods, 2011
Video of the installation in motion 

In between,  2011
Wood, paper, linen yarn and artificial silk bobines

and light focus
Variable dimensions



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