carla rebelo
A sua casa, was a project developed during an Artistic Residency in FelipaManuela, Madrid in 2012. The project was integrated in the event 3 en el 3º curated by Andrea Pacheco and Susana Bañuelos, in the context of Jugada a 3 Bandas, Madrid. My project was related to the memory of the place, Felipa Manuela's house. Based on images from photo albums and objects that have remained the same since the death of the owner of the house, a set of pieces were created and installed on the furniture in the living room and bedroom of the house.
A sua casa, 2012
Mirror, half coat, half wooden hanger, 2 mirrors, black ink drawing, bone comb, brown thread, bobine and shadow
Site-specific installation of variable dimensions
Living room
The memory machine, 2012
Singer sewing machine, wooden chair, mirror with black ink design, wooden bobbins with artificial silk thread, mirror, photography, two thimbles, two needles and shadow
Site-specific installation of variable dimensions
Living room
Map, 2012
Ribbons of various colours and materials, wooden bobine and photography
Variable Dimensions
Drawings, 2012
Red pencil drawing and collage on paper 210x29,7cm
Black pen and pencil drawing on paper 21,14,8cm
Red pencil drawing and collage on paper 210x29,7cm